Guest Player Guidelines
1. A player may NOT play DOWN in class from the team she is officially rostered. Example: A player
that is 10u and registered with a 10B team may GUEST PLAY in an "A/B/Open" event; she cannot GUEST PLAY with a "C/Rec" team or event.
2. A player that plays up in age can play her legal age with another team, but must stay within the same
classification or higher in OPEN Events only. She is restricted in classified events. See age requirements.
3. A player must be on a USSSA roster to be considered a guest player. A player not on another USSSA
roster must be ADDED to your roster and is not considered a guest player..
4. A guest player can still be deemed an illegal player via protest through the Tournament Director.
5. GUEST PLAYER actions. ALL guest players must be added onto your team through the" Manage Guest Player" system inside your team manager account. This must be done 24 hours before start of the 1st game of the tournament. A guest player can still be deemed an illegal player via protest through the Tournament Director. Each protest cost $100 paid to Primary Children's Hospital. In severe cases a player may be handwritten or emailed/texted if the State Director requests the coach to do so (System Failure/Guardian Acct Issues). They will be considered a guest player.