Coaches, USSSA requires youth teams to have medical team insurance coverage for the season or for the year. You may purchase insurance for your team, league or facility through USSSA. Cost is extremely inexpensive for youth teams. Please consider USSSA team insurance for secure coverage.
*** NOTE Medical team insurance is NOT Liability insurance, sanctioned events (USSSA or ASA/USA or Little League) carry coverage to protect all fans, coaches and teams from lawsuits. Event Directors are responsible for carrying suffcient LIABILITY and FACILITY insurance. Please verify all coverages and amounts of protection when playing any event.
The USSSA Team Insurance policy will cover your practice activities and games in SANCTIONED events under USSSA and USA.
The USSSA policy has many great benefits and comes at a excellent price, starting at $174 per year depending on age and term.
Purchasing Team Insurance with USSSA couldn't be easier. Click here -
You have two ways to purchase USSSA Insurance:
1. Click on the red USSSA Team Insurance Button above to go to the USSSA insurance website
to purchase on-line within your team account . Please be sure your team is registered for the new season before you purchase your insurance.
2. Click on the red USSSA Team Insurance Button above to go to the USSSA insurance website
to print an application and mail to USSSA National Headquarters as directed with your payment.
Coverage will be effective as soon as your payment is processed.
Listed below are some important facts about USSSA Insurance:
If you DO NOT have team insurance from USA/ASA, USSSA or Little League. then you MUST purchase weekend insurance at $40 per event/weekend from your USSSA State Director at 801-518-2559.
Only USSSA registered teams may purchase this insurance.
USSSA insurance covers play for all SANCTIONED events like USA/ASA, Little League, USSSA.
USSSA team insurance covers practice of amateur activity in the sport insured.
Coverage begins at the time the online transaction is completed. The online transaction is complete when you receive a credit card confirmation number for your on line transaction.
General Liability coverage is provided for players, coaches, managers and volunteers of the team. $2,000,000 General Liability per Occurrence WITH 3M AGGREAGATE! *
Accident Medical Coverage is secondary to any other collectible insurance; primary if no other insurance is in force. $100,000 Accident Medical Expense. *
The entire premium is earned upon policy issuance. There are no cancellation refunds.
Age of oldest child on date of purchase determines team age bracket.
Your team policy has S.A.M. (Sexual Abuse and Molestation) coverage.
USSSA insurance covers you for practice and play in SANCTIONED events.
For details of the team policy, coverage and prices, visit the USSSA Insurance Program website by clicking on any of the red buttons on this page.
For questions about the USSSA Insurance program please e-mail: insurance@usssa.com, or simply call the toll-free number at: 1-888-880-3602.